Thursday, December 21, 2006

Yesterday is dead and gone ...

Somebody said "Yesterday is dead and gone - tomorrow is not yet her - enjoy today - which is now and here.

It must be Omar Khayyam - nobody in sober state could have said that.

Well what we did yester day and the days before that have a bearing on today and have the capacity to either ruin the day for us or make it superb for us.

I we were careless yesterday (and the days before that) without thinking about today and sure enough today is ruined for us.

And if we are carelss about tomorrow(and the days after that) - sure enough we are sowing seeds today for a worse (or better) tomorrow.

As have seen, it is stupid, by any stretch of imagination, to say that yesterday is dead and gone ...

Still it is amazing to see the number of people saying that including some religious people and politicians.

It makes me wonder ... are these people as drunk as Omar Khayyam?

Sunday, December 17, 2006


If one thing that is absolute out of control of human beings is the birth.

No one can determine where one is born - to which set of parents - along with which set of sibblings.
One can not selct the religion into which to take birth.
No one can select in to which language one is born.
No one can select who the mother or father is.
No one can select the country in to which to take birth.
No one can select the sex in to which to take birth.
No one can select the type of body or health in ot which to take birth.

One can select friends but not parents, nor brothers, nor sisters, nor uncles or aunts, nor cousins.

Everything connected with one's birth is out of control.

Isn't it proof enough that there is a God above us?

Given a choice, I would like to have the charm of a Tom Cruise or Gregory Peck, the strength of Mike Tyson, sing like Ellis, the Intellect of Albert Einstein, the integrity of abe Lincoln, to win elections like Franklin Roosvelt and rule like Stalin.

If I am to be a woman, I would like to have the beauty of Elizabeth Taylor, intelligent like Mdame Curie, administrator like Maggie Thatcher, rule like Queen Elizabeth.

Who wouldn't?

Unfortunately, it is not for us to choose. We are not asked about the single factor that haunts us thru the life. In democratic principles - this is grossly unfair.

Doesn't this tell you that God is telling us some thing - to respect his creation and his rules?

What are his rules - we branded them as the Law of the Jungle - yep - the Laws of the Jungle are His Laws!!

God Vs. Man

Who is Greater God or man?

Well my vote goes for God but it seems that my vote doesn't count! The overwhelming majority has voted that Man is better than God.

How else do you explain Democracy?

In country after country the people elected to rule are getting elected by raising the baser passions in the electorate. They are elected by less than fifty percent of the voters and mind you that all residents are not voters! That means that we are ruled by guys that are endorsed by a few people and the endorsement is stage managed.

If an election can be hijacked in USA (2000 presidential election) what about the other countries?

In my country, India, all the elections are rigged by those who have more money and muscle power. I believe it is so in other countries too.

The number of heads of State that are tried for corruption, genocide and other serious crimes like that makes one wonder how did people elect them in the first place?

Well don't - they managed the election.

George Bush after stealing the election in 2000 in front of every one's eyes - managed to get re-elected.

Hugo Chavez - only dethroned very recently for various charges is again in the saddle.

Ahmedi Nejad who talks incessantly about wiping Israle off the world map got elected.

Doesn't this make you wonder that a person elected by God - say like Queen Elizabeth of England - would be better than the democratically elected Head of State?
