Sunday, December 17, 2006

God Vs. Man

Who is Greater God or man?

Well my vote goes for God but it seems that my vote doesn't count! The overwhelming majority has voted that Man is better than God.

How else do you explain Democracy?

In country after country the people elected to rule are getting elected by raising the baser passions in the electorate. They are elected by less than fifty percent of the voters and mind you that all residents are not voters! That means that we are ruled by guys that are endorsed by a few people and the endorsement is stage managed.

If an election can be hijacked in USA (2000 presidential election) what about the other countries?

In my country, India, all the elections are rigged by those who have more money and muscle power. I believe it is so in other countries too.

The number of heads of State that are tried for corruption, genocide and other serious crimes like that makes one wonder how did people elect them in the first place?

Well don't - they managed the election.

George Bush after stealing the election in 2000 in front of every one's eyes - managed to get re-elected.

Hugo Chavez - only dethroned very recently for various charges is again in the saddle.

Ahmedi Nejad who talks incessantly about wiping Israle off the world map got elected.

Doesn't this make you wonder that a person elected by God - say like Queen Elizabeth of England - would be better than the democratically elected Head of State?


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